The good, the bad, the lonely

Monday, November 1, 2010


Josh left the Tuesday before last, it seems like so much longer then that. I guess I got so used to talking to him that when I couldn't anymore it was like my heart was getting ripped out of my body. Call me dramatic but I guess that's what love is all about. At only 18 it seems like we have the world ahead of us, by god I hope so.
When he left tuesday he left as my boyfriend, finally, so many people knew it was going to happen, it was a five year event leading up to it. I felt content and relieved that it was official, people ask me, you have only been dating for a couple weeks, how in the world can you say you love him. Well to all you skeptics out there, I loved him long before I ever became his girlfriend. Our history is more than that of a normal friendship turned romance, who knows i might just write a book one day about it.
The hardest thing right now is never knowing, when he first got to Camp Pendelton he did not go straight into combat training as planned, he was held back because of his lack of glasses. I was lucky to be able to talk to him this entire time, call me spoiled. Once he got 'picked up' as they call it he no longer had his phone. The last text was "Hey babe I have to go, I wont get my phone until late Sunday. Miss you I love You."
WHAT SUNDAY!?!? But that is so far from here! At this point it was Monday, a whole week until i could hear his voice?! I shouldn't have gotten used to it, but what's a girl to do. Sunday rolls around, Halloween.
That day was eventful helping Josh's family with their haunted house and getting costumes and makeup on, but during the whole day the thought of hearing his voice was running through my mind. FINALLY he called, he could only talk for a few minutes and my phone was turned off in my pocket, unbeknownst to me. Luckily I was at his parents house, they had to come search for me because I was working in the haunted house, amidst clowns and psycho killers.
Hearing his voice, though hoarse and achy from yelling was a relief, we only talked for a few minutes, his family wanted to say hi also, but those few minutes will have to last me until I hear from my marine again.

1 comment:

  1. I know it is very difficult being a spouse or girlfriend to someone in the military. You have to be strong. don't give up he is doing a good thing. when ever you need to talk about anything. you can talk to me. With me the way i look at it is I married the military. no matter what our lives will always revolve around the military. so just be prepared for the unexpected and the unwanted.



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First off i'm complicated and at times frustrating, this blog is not only for me to share how i feel about being a marine girlfriend but also to reach out to other military girlfriend, wives, husbands, daughters, etc. I want to know that i'm not alone in this and i'm sure a lot of you do too.